京都市右京区にある世界文化遺産 仁和寺門前に、建築基準を大きく上回る特例を前提としたホテル建設が計画され、2021年2月末住民に配布された資料によれば、2021年夏頃着工予定とされています。
池内 了
大石 芳野
加藤 登紀子
柴田 京子
圡橋 亨
野田 正彰
広原 盛明
宮本 憲一
口座記号01000-5 口座番号29697 市民共同法律事務所
ゆうちょ銀行 9900 店番109 当座109支店/口座番号0029697
京都・まちづくり市民会議中島 晃(弁護士)
〒604-0847 京都市中京区烏丸通二条下ル ヒロセビル2階 市民共同法律事務所
世界文化遺産仁和寺の環境を考える会桐田 勝子(共同代表)
Ninnaji Temple, well-known as it was mentioned in a Japanese classic work called Tsurezuregusa, is one of the World Cultural Heritage sites in Kyoto. From the great Nioh-mon Gate, visitors can enjoy the placid views of Narabigaoka Hill in the south and gentle ridgeline of mountains far in the west. The beautiful scenery and atmosphere around Ninnaji-Temple were nurtured over a long period in the ancient capital, and now cherished by the citizens of Kyoto.
In the late 1960s, the overdevelopment of the Narabigaoka area became a major problem, and there was a citizens' movement to protect the landscape and atmosphere of Kyoto. The "Law for the Preservation of the Ancient Capital" was born as a result of this movement. However, in front of the Ninna-ji Temple, a World Heritage Site that has been carefully protected by the citizens of Kyoto, a hotel construction plan by a Tokyo-based company is now underway. Moreover, the Kyoto city authorities have created a "high quality lodging facility attraction system" to allow contractors to increase the total floor area of their hotels to almost twice the size stipulated by the Building Standards Law.
The area around Ninna-ji Temple is a buffer zone for the World Cultural Heritage site, and there are many restrictions on construction. It is also designated as a "Special Historic Preservation District" under the Law for the Preservation of Ancient Capitals. We think it is out of the question to relax the Building Standards Law for hotel construction in such an area.
In front of the gate of Ninna-ji Temple, we can enjoy an excellent view of Narabigaoka Hill.At dusk, the setting sun over the Nishiyama mountain range creates a magnificent silhouette of the mountain ridges and dyes the Niomon Gate red. The scenery along with the majestic Ninna-ji Temple is a treasure not only for the residents living nearby but also for visitors from all over the world.
If a large hotel were to be built here, it would completely change the landscape and the quiet living environment. Beautiful scenery is something that everyone should enjoy equally. We believe that this scenery, along with the lives of the residents, is the charm of Kyoto.
Kyoto is not a city of hotels. We sincerely hope that the authorities of Kyoto city and the developer of the hotel, will stop and reconsider the construction of the hotel in front of Ninna-ji Temple, a World Cultural Heritage site, and conduct a fundamental review of the plan, including the cancellation of the construction.